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Reset and Recharge
Reset & Recharge – Humans Need It Too Just Like Devices! Keynote at WWCode Connect 2022
Table of contents
I am very excited to be keynoting at WWCode's Connect Recharge 2022 on May 26, 2022.
Keynote address
When the phone battery drains, what do we do? When the laptop's CPU consumption increases, what do we do? Similarly, when work drains our battery by the middle of the week, what do we do? When the workload increases and our brain can no longer process things, what do we do?
Why do we see our time off as unproductive? Why do we stereotype and call out that he is going through something, or she cannot handle the stress? Why cannot we make this normal and speak openly about the times when we are not at our 100%?
Thanks to the new normal of working from home, burnout is finally receiving the attention and seriousness it deserves. But, it is still that one thing everyone is aware of, everyone is struggling with but yet everyone chooses to ignore it.
Reset, recharge, reboot, restart - humans need it more than the devices!
I am still working on this topic, so this is just a glimpse of what I aim to cover for my keynote address.
As a Leadership Fellow at WWCode for the Frontend track, I talk to a lot of folks who are interested in volunteering. They are usually excited about the opportunity, and for many, this is their first time volunteering gig. But one of the biggest problems is that many fail to balance their time and end up not coming back to their volunteering commitments.
As a Leadership Fellow, I try to tell them that they do not have to be guilty if they fail to find time for their volunteering commitments or otherwise ask them to take up tasks that have the maximum benefit for them and not take upon tasks that they are forced to do.
From my observation, people want to be volunteers sometimes mostly by seeing others doing it, i.e. hustle culture. These are the ones who usually never come back when they realize that this is not meant for them.
Hustle culture
In this world of social media, it is easy to get tempted to do what others are doing. But we don't have to be doing this as long as we are happy and content. I am not asking people to stop being ambitious but rather to focus on one's energy in doing things that truly matter to them.
We don't have to read books or pick up hobbies just because others are doing it.
We can still have a good weekend by being lazy or just binge-watching.
Reset and recharge
What is important is to be able to take frequent pauses from the busy lift, reset oneself, and be recharged!